Thursday, August 06, 2009

Update to progress

I've been giving the ole (okay new) blog a great deal of thought. Actually to be honest I've been giving my writing persona a great deal of thought. My youngest child starts preK on Monday, my oldest returns to middle school the following week, both girls, both pretty high maintenance when they want to be... Let me just say I love routine, I crave routine. While I've loved being home (working from home) a good bit this summer, our lack of routine has pretty much driven me insane.

So... We are heading to coast for a long weekend and I'm taking with a shiny new notebook and a shiny new pen (or six) - school supplies galore! And I'm not writing, but I will be polishing some ideas for the blog and the writing persona in general.

I've got one idea I am totally committed too - I love it, and I really, really hope it is something I can make work, because it just came to me and it's something I've never stumbled across in all the blogs I read (thank you google reader, you are life saver!). And it is something I would love to see and I think others would like it too!


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