
I love to read and that is where it all started. More accurately it  started with a junior high summer reading list. Mandatory reading? Yes! I think I always liked to read, but I wasn't reading the right stuff. I let my mom pick the books for my required reading. She picked good and I was addicted. I read entire series I had a samples of on that list. English was always my favorite subject and when my high school English teacher gave us essay assignments I would get all fired up about the subject and write.
Life happened, as they say and fifteen years, a husband, and a daughter later I figured out the story that had been playing over and over in my mind for a year or more needed to be written. I started out writing a short story, but it turned into a full manuscript. I literally looked around on the internet and found out about RWA. I also fell into sync with the best damn group of online writing friends on the planet. I joined the local chapter of RWA, HeartLA and the rest is history, sort of... after spending about two years and countless hours writing I had a few request and things were trucking along. Life happens, happened again. I took a three plus year break for a few good reasons - one I lovely refer to as our youngest .

Summer of 2007 I knew it was time to re-enter the writing world, having never completely left. I had writing friends, both online and locally. I had watched them and their writing careers grow. I shot out a challenge on our local loop and did the exercise myself. It was just a scene, but that scene was a finalist in the 2007 BRAVA Novella contest.

The writing world kept calling my name. I squeezed in writing time, telling my family how it relaxes me - and it normally does! The contest news propelled to get on track. I finished the manuscript and submitted it, entered the Red Sage Alpha Male Contest in 2008 (The Business of Sex, my first release was a finalist). Then and there I decided that 2008 was going to be my year of determination. I'm happy to say my first sale was to Lyrical Press, Inc. and was an October 2009 release.